all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

find any address or company within the CM1 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 7AA 0 51.758343 0.47397
CM1 7AB 0 51.758767 0.474417
CM1 7AD 0 51.760082 0.475575
CM1 7AE 2 51.758875 0.473988
CM1 7AF 1 51.758992 0.47398
CM1 7AG 1 51.759684 0.47396
CM1 7AH 3 51.762338 0.473481
CM1 7AJ 2 51.764475 0.474077
CM1 7AN 0 51.764047 0.471328
CM1 7AP 0 51.761587 0.474585
CM1 7AQ 0 51.760634 0.473693
CM1 7AR 0 51.760949 0.474985
CM1 7AS 0 51.763624 0.472668
CM1 7AT 0 51.765094 0.472009
CM1 7AU 1 51.766156 0.47156
CM1 7AW 0 51.765997 0.472261
CM1 7AX 1 51.76732 0.471812
CM1 7AY 0 51.76493 0.47084
CM1 7AZ 0 51.765818 0.470976
CM1 7BA 0 51.765322 0.471036